
おもてなしやさしさ」から 思い出は「思いやり」から

Chief Wedding Planner Iizuka
To Create the Best Wedding ”Always Keep Innocent heart and Gratitude to Family in mind"
I have seen so many different ways of life through my experience of working at medical institution.
People realize how being healthy is important first time after losing it.
I can say the same thing about family.
It's not easy to express gratitude to your family in daily life. 
"Family", they understand each other without word, yet there are many things you need to express.
The brides letter, Last speech by groom, Presenting bouquet flower.
These things you can do only on Wedding which is the new beginning of your life journey. It's very important.
I believe "The Best Wedding", which is to express gratitude ingenuously to love ones.


Wedding Planner Kaneko
Dear groom and bride
My major was Communication in college, and I had opportunity to learn how great to meat people, and plan weddings. It made me decide to join Sharman le Grand Mariage.
I love to meet a lot of people, and wedding.
Also, I like to make sweets as hobby,, so I hope to suggest good ideas about wedding food and desrts.

みなさんこんにちは、ウエディングプランナーの金子と申します。私は大学時代にコミュニケーションを専攻したことをきっかけにウディングの世界と出会いました。そこで学んだ、人と出会うことの素晴らしさ、ウエディングプランナーの仕事のやりがいを実感しシャルマ ルグラン マリアージュに入社しました。私は料理やスイーツを作ることが趣味なので、お料理やデザートのご提案も出来たら幸いです

Wedding Planner Konno

Wedding Planner Sano




チーフパーサー 法師人
Dear Bride and Groom, and our Guests 
Thank you very much for your patronage to Sharman le Grand Mariage. 
We are looking forward to welcome our bride and groom, and important guests with our credo of high standard hospitality and sincere services. 
May your important day be lifetime memory. 
Sincerely, Chiefe Purser Mihoko. H